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ABB Multi-joint Robot IRB 760 Load 450kg Arm Span 3180mm

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Information on this page is ABB robot service provider in China For you“ABB Multi-joint Robot IRB 760 Load 450kg Arm Span 3180mm”Product information, if you want to know more about“ABB Multi-joint Robot IRB 760 Load 450kg Arm Span 3180mm”Price, model, manufacturer, please contact the manufacturer, or leave a message to the manufacturer。
brandABB todateLong-term effective 最后更新2025-03-13 13:26

ABB Multi-joint Robot IRB 760 Load 450kg Arm Span 3180mm

Shorter cycle times

The IRB 760 is the fastest robot of its kind and is capable of significantly shortening cycle times and raising productivity for full-layer palletizing and press tending. This four-axis robot has a reach of 3.2 meters and a 450 kilograms payload capacity, enabling it to lift heavy objects and full pallet layers. With its high torque wrist and long reach it can achieve 880 cycles per hour at full load (400 mm, 2000 mm, 400 mm cycle). 


IRB 760PT press tending robot

Aimed at press automation applications in the automotive industry, the IRB 760PT is a flexible press tending robot offering 25 per cent faster cycle times compared to other robot-based press automation solutions. Its 3.18 meter reach, coupled with a linear seventh axis or with the Twin Xbar system avoids the need to reorient parts between consecutive stamping operations, helping users to optimize available space and save costs.


High precision movements 

Utilizing ABB’s patented motion control software, QuickMove™ and TrueMove™, the IRB 760 family ensures palletizing and press tending is carried out with smooth movements and high path accuracy. This means even the most sensitive products will be handled with great care without losing cycle time.


Low cost of ownership and increased productivity 

The robot’s robust and rigid design – manufactured to automotive industry standards – ensures high uptime and low maintenance costs. The IRB 760 family also features integrated process cabling which helps extend life and reduces wear.

Offline programming is the best way to maximize return on investment for robot systems. ABB’s simulation and offline programming software, RobotStudio, allows robot programming to be done on a PC in the office without shutting down production. RobotStudio provides the tools to increase the profitability of your robot system by letting you perform tasks such as training, programming, and optimization without disturbing production.


Powered by OmniCore OmniCore

controller offers best-in-class motion control, 20 percent energy savings, security, and scalable functions. Faster performance and enhanced flexibility enable improved productivity and ability to respond to changing market demands.


Main applications

• Full layer palletizing

• Palletizing

• Depalletizing

• Material handling

• Press tending

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