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ABB Multi-joint Robot IRB 460-110/2.4 Load 110kg Arm Span 2400mm

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Information on this page is ABB robot service provider in China For you“ABB Multi-joint Robot IRB 460-110/2.4 Load 110kg Arm Span 2400mm”Product information, if you want to know more about“ABB Multi-joint Robot IRB 460-110/2.4 Load 110kg Arm Span 2400mm”Price, model, manufacturer, please contact the manufacturer, or leave a message to the manufacturer。
brandABB todateLong-term effective 最后更新2025-02-28 14:41

ABB Multi-joint Robot IRB 460-110/2.4 Load 110kg Arm Span 2400mm

Beat shortening

The IRB 460 is ABB's fastest four-axis multi-function industrial robot, which significantly reduces the beat time of various operations and significantly increases production efficiency. This compact 4-axis robot has a reach distance of 2.4 m and an effective load of 110 kg; Up to 2190 cycles per hour with a load of 60 kg.


High precision operation

Equipped with ABB's leading motion control software QuickMoveTM and TrueMoveTM, the IRB460 moves smoothly and has excellent path accuracy to "care" even for the most sensitive products, while ensuring that the beat time is not affected.


Small footprint, high output

The compact design of the IRB 460 reduces the distance to the pallet by 20% compared to similar ABB products with similar speed and load, which alone improves production efficiency by up to 3%.


Low cost of ownership, high production efficiency

The IRB 460 is manufactured to the standard of the automotive industry, with a robust structure, reliable design, long uptime and low maintenance costs. The robot is equipped with integrated process cables to reduce wear and extend service life. ABB also offers RoboCare's three-year warranty program to ensure trouble-free production at no additional cost. The program includes ABB wireless remote services, with ABB experts monitoring the robot's condition and providing recommendations for optimal maintenance to further improve production efficiency.


Programming is faster and easier

RobotStudio Palletizing PowerPac is a user-friendly software that uses an ordinary PC as a platform to enable users with no experience in robot programming to program and simulate operations. The software follows the concept of "programming by configuration", which can save up to 80% programming time.


Unparalleled professional experience and global support

ABB is a multinational company with nearly 30 years of experience in robotics, with more than 100 sales and service units in 53 countries and regions.


Complete pallet packaging solution

When you combine the IRB 460 High Speed palletizing robot with ABB FlexGripper-Claw and RobotStudio with palletizing PowerPac, you get the world's leading robotic high speed palletizing system, optimized path accuracy, and ensure that your products are handled quickly and carefully. With ABB robotic solutions, palletizing will never be a bottleneck, now or in the future.


The PalletPack 460 feature pack is now available

This is a group of prefabricated products that provide end-line palletizing capabilities, greatly improving the ease of use for integrators. It can be used for high-speed bale palletizing or compact line tailbox palletizing. The feature pack includes IRB 460 palletizing Robot, IRC5 Controller, Flex-Gripper, Dressing Kit, ABB PLC, Jokab Security PLC, software, user documentation and FlexPendant Demonstrator with custom graphical interface.

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The current page is the display of ABB Multi-joint Robot IRB 460-110/2.4 Load 110kg Arm Span 2400mm price information. The ABB Multi-joint Robot IRB 460-110/2.4 Load 110kg Arm Span 2400mm wholesale price, ABB Multi-joint Robot IRB 460-110/2.4 Load 110kg Arm Span 2400mm quotation and other relevant information displayed on this page are provided by the enterprises themselves. The authenticity, accuracy and legality of ABB Multi-joint Robot IRB 460-110/2.4 Load 110kg Arm Span 2400mm price are fully responsible for by all enterprises in the store. 博钢智能 assumes no warranty whatsoever。
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