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ABB Multi-joint Robot IRB 2400-16 Load 16kg Arm Span 1550mm

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Information on this page is ABB robot service provider in China For you“ABB Multi-joint Robot IRB 2400-16 Load 16kg Arm Span 1550mm”Product information, if you want to know more about“ABB Multi-joint Robot IRB 2400-16 Load 16kg Arm Span 1550mm”Price, model, manufacturer, please contact the manufacturer, or leave a message to the manufacturer。
brandABB todateLong-term effective 最后更新2025-02-28 13:35

ABB Multi-joint Robot IRB 2400-16 Load 16kg Arm Span 1550mm

The most popular industrial robot

The IRB 2400 is the most popular industrial robot of its kind in the world. The IRB 2400 is made up of a wide range of robots tailored to meet the needs of every application to maximize productivity in arc welding, processing, loading and unloading, and more.

The IRB 2400 is powerful and delivers excellent performance. The additional load of the first shaft and upper arm can reach 35kg and 15kg respectively, and still maintain 100% load rate. The IRB 2400L robot has a reach distance of 1.8 meters, a load-bearing capacity of 7kg, and a large working range, while the mechanical wrist and arm are very slim. Other models have a load-bearing capacity of up to 20kg, with advantages such as good motion control performance, large load compensation, and unlimited movement of the 6th axis.

IRB 2400 Industrial robots in material handling, loading and unloading, processing and other applications

Domain performance is excellent. All models in this series can be installed upside down. The IRB 2400 is compact and easy to install. Its structure is robust and durable, the number of parts has been reduced to a minimum, and it has the advantages of high reliability and long maintenance intervals.

The IRB 2400 Cast Expert robot is resistant to high-pressure steam cleaning, highly adaptable to the environment, and protected to IP 67 standards.


Main application field

Arc welding




Loading and unloading

Material handling

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博钢智能© xiaoyun
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