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Siemens PLC S7-1200 CPU 6ES7211-1HE40-0XB0

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Information on this page is Siemens PLC Inverter China Service Provider For you“Siemens PLC S7-1200 CPU 6ES7211-1HE40-0XB0”Product information, if you want to know more about“Siemens PLC S7-1200 CPU 6ES7211-1HE40-0XB0”Price, model, manufacturer, please contact the manufacturer, or leave a message to the manufacturer。
todateLong-term effective 最后更新2024-12-19 09:28

Siemens PLC S7-1200 CPU 6ES7211-1HE40-0XB0

Product overview:

The SIMATIC S7-1200 features an integrated PROFINET interface, powerful integrated process capabilities, and flexible scalability, providing simple communication and effective solutions for various process tasks, especially meeting completely different automation needs in various applications.

Product features: 

Innovative Design

Compact structure, with integrated 10 and modular expansion options modular design, a large number of expansion options, high flexibility

Supports multiple network protocols

Integrated System Diagnosis

Integrated diagnostic function, no additional programming required

Error messages are displayed in plain text format on the HMI or web server in TIA Portal

Significantly reduce downtime

Integrate information security functions

Prevent unauthorized access, copying and execution, as well as program operations

Protect the project from unauthorized changes

to protect intellectual property (right)

Integrated security features

Fault safe CPU for standard and secure applications

Prevent equipment and personnel from being damaged or injured

Integrated security functions are provided through PROFINET to connect with PROFISafe devices. The integrated engineering configuration software allows users to create their programs using the same configuration and operation methods for both standard and safety related tasks

Integrated process functionality

Basic motion control function, PID state detection

All CPUs support tracking function, which can accurately diagnose and optimize user programs and sports applications

TIA Portal Engineering Configuration

Basic motion control function, PID state detection

All CPUs support tracking function, which can accurately diagnose and optimize user programs and sports applications

Product Data

Product:Siemens S7-1200 CPU 1211C DC/DC/Relay 6ES721-1HE40-0XB0

Product model:6ES7211-1HE40-0XB0

Product type:CPU

Working voltage: 24V DC

Digital input quantity: 6

Digital output: 4

Analog input quantity: 2

Analog output: 0

Company name Siemens PLC Inverter China Service Provider mode
capitalnot filled regyear
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博钢智能© xiaoyun
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