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Small Simple YASKAWA AC Drive A1000 400V(three phase) 160kW CIMR-A4A0362

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Information on this page is Yaskawa converter China distribution service provider For you“Small Simple YASKAWA AC Drive A1000 400V(three phase) 160kW CIMR-A4A0362”Product information, if you want to know more about“Small Simple YASKAWA AC Drive A1000 400V(three phase) 160kW CIMR-A4A0362”Price, model, manufacturer, please contact the manufacturer, or leave a message to the manufacturer。
brandYASKAWA todateLong-term effective 最后更新2024-11-27 13:49

Small Simple YASKAWA AC Drive A1000 400V(three phase) 160kW CIMR-A4A0362

1. Product features

Superior motor drive performance

Rich self-learning function

Smooth running

Environmental performance


2. Scope of application

Yaskawa A1000 high-performance vector control inverter is widely used in lifting machinery, fluid machinery, metal processing machinery, handling machinery and other fields.


3. Main parameters

Capacity range: 200V level 0.4110kW, 400V level 0.4355kW.

Control mode: v/f control, with pg v/f control, no pg vector control, with pg vector control, pm with no pg vector control, pm with pg vector control.

Frequency control range: 0.01~400Hz.

Frequency accuracy: within ±0.01% of the maximum output frequency of digital instructions (-10~+40°C); The analog instruction is within ±0.1% of the maximum output frequency (25°C±10°C).

Output frequency resolution: 0.001Hz.

Starting torque: 150%/3Hz (without pg v/f control, with pg v/f control); 200%/0.3Hz (no pg vector control); 200%/0min-1 (with pg vector control, pm with pg vector control, pm with no pg vector control).


4. Protection function

Motor protection: with electronic thermal protection and instantaneous overcurrent protection function, when the heavy load rated output current more than 200% stop.

Overload protection: Stop when 150% of rated output current reaches 60 seconds (heavy duty rating (HD)).

Overvoltage protection and low voltage protection: Stop when the DC voltage of the 200V main circuit is about 410V or above, stop when it is about 190V or below; The 400V main circuit DC voltage is about 820V above the stop, about 380V below the stop.

Instantaneous power failure compensation: power failure within 15 milliseconds for instantaneous power failure compensation (factory setting), according to the setting of parameters, about 2 seconds after the power failure can continue to run.

5. Operation and instruction

Operator description: including the function and use of keys such as [ESC], [RESET], [RUN], [STOP], [ENTER], [LO/RE], etc.

Indicator description: Includes the meanings of the on, blinking, and off status of the [RUN], [LO/RE], [ALM], [FOUT], [DRV], and [REV] indicators.

Yaskawa A1000 high-performance vector control inverter has won wide recognition and praise in the market for its excellent performance, wide application range and perfect protection function.


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博钢智能© xiaoyun
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