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Mitsubishi Frequency Converter FR-F700P 400V 355W FR-F740P-355K

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Information on this page is Mitsubishi Inverter Mitsubishi PLC China distributor For you“Mitsubishi Frequency Converter FR-F700P 400V 355W FR-F740P-355K”Product information, if you want to know more about“Mitsubishi Frequency Converter FR-F700P 400V 355W FR-F740P-355K”Price, model, manufacturer, please contact the manufacturer, or leave a message to the manufacturer。
brandMitsubishi Electric todateLong-term effective 最后更新2024-11-26 13:56

Mitsubishi Frequency Converter FR-F700P 400V 355W FR-F740P-355K

The FR-F700P is a inverter launched by Mitsubishi Electric, which is an upgrade on the basis of the F700 series and belongs to the ultra-efficient and energy-saving inverter. The following is a detailed introduction to the FR-F700P inverter:


1. Product features

High efficiency and energy saving

Multiple motor control

Rich function

Environmentally friendly

Long life design and easy maintenance

Simple operation

Rich network functions


2. Product specifications

The specific specifications of the FR-F700P inverter vary from model to model, but usually include parameters such as rated voltage and adapted motor power. For example, the frequency converter of the FR-F740-3.7K model has a rated voltage of three-phase AC380-400V and an adaptive motor power of 1.5kW.


3. Precautions

IPM motor MM-EFS series cannot be driven by power frequency power supply.

The total connection length of IPM motor shall not exceed 100m.

One frequency converter cannot be connected to multiple IPM motors at the same time.


4. Application scenarios

FR-F700P inverter is widely used in the need of speed regulation and energy saving occasions, such as fans, pumps, compressors and other load drive and control.


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