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Home > Products > Mitsubishi Contactor MS-T/MS-N Series Motor Starter MSOD-N180BCKP
Mitsubishi Contactor MS-T/MS-N Series Motor Starter MSOD-N180BCKP
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Brand: Mitsubishi Electric
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Update date 2025-03-28 14:10

New integrated terminal cover

The terminal cap is a recurring problem. In the past, it was necessary to remember to order the terminal cover and take care to install or remove it correctly. The integrated terminal cover system completely solves these problems, and the terminal cover is always available on the electromagnetic contactor or its auxiliary contacts.


Reduce coil inventory by up to 50%

The wider range of control coils for the new S-T series means that the S-T series has 50% fewer coil types in stock than the previous S-N series for a voltage coverage range of 24 to 550V. This will help reduce the user's spare parts inventory.


Direct drive via transistor output

Direct drive of all models is realized by using highly efficient polarized electromagnet and rated DC24V, 0.1A transistor output. (DC24V coil)



Using highly efficient polarized electromagnet, the coil power is greatly reduced.
