Elevate your teaching,inspire your students
80% of education professionals have said robots andautomation will shape the future ofemployment overthe next ten years.Responding to growing demand ireducation,the lRB 1090 education robot is designedexclusivelyfor educators and students to qainindustryrelevant robotic and automation skills that are importantto their future careers.
The latest functionality
The future-proof IRB 1090 industrial education robot together with the OmniCore E10 ultra slim controller, brings increasing functionalities to enable students to hone their skills on the latest production techniques on the market such as motion control, TrueMove, QuickMove, Externally Guided Motion, and energysaving power grid feedback solutions. This includes various software packages, such as Wizard easy programming, Robot Control Mate and RobotStudio AR Viewer App.
Varied educational cells
Educational institutions, robot resellers, and system integrators can design and customize a variety of application cells, such as assembly, material handling, inspection, and packaging. This can include different accessories such as vision cameras, grippers, working pieces, pedestals, and moveable carts to meet specific requirements.
Easy to move and install
The IRB 1090 offers 580mm reach and 3.5kg payload, coupled with a 10% smaller footprint and 20% reduction in weight compared to its predecessor, providing the ability to easily move the robot, and save on installation space.
Authenticated by STEM.org
The IRB 1090 education robot, equipped with the prestigious STEM.org authentication, is designed to empower students, providing them with a distinct edge in future employment endeavors.
100 free RobotStudio licenses
100 free RobotStudio premium licenses are included with the purchase of the IRB 1090 robot. Any teacher at a school can get 100 free RobotStudio licenses to use in their classroom. RobotStudio is a virtual tool that students can use to learn the fundamentals of robot programming, even before buying a physical robot.
Diverse applications
Students can learn diverse applications such as:
• Assembly
• Picking/Placing
• Material Handling
• Packaging
• Testing