Technical Information:
5pc of 9ADA618-56,9ADA312-6 and 3HAC10384-1 is
also needed.Secure with Loctite 243 3HAC7181-1
Country of Origin:Sweden (SE)
Invoice Description:Cover B - BMW - IRB6640
Minimum Order Quantity:1 piece
Selling Unit of Measure:piece
Order Multiple:1 piece
Quote Only:No
Made To Order:No
Stocked At (Warehouses):
Menden, Germany
Shanghai, China
Customs Tariff Number:84799070
Part Type:New
WEEE Category:Product Not in WEEE Scope
Product Net Weight:0.632 kg
Gross Weight:0.632 kg
Product Net Depth / Length:680 mm
Product Net Height:90 mm
Product Net Width:225 mm
Additional Information
frame Size:Spare_Parts
Product Name:Cover B - BMW - IRB6640
ABB Type Designation:-